USAGM Resources Available to American Spaces

The United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM), formerly known as the Broadcasting Board of Governors, is an independent agency of the U.S. government that runs news agencies around the world through the below networks:

These news agencies provide independent, timely, and accurate reporting in more than 60 languages with the mission to inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. American Spaces’ computers should have bookmarks to local USAGM news sites and consider using USAGM videos and articles for current event clubs.

Virtual Webinars with VOA Experts
Voice of America has well over 100 experts who are available to present via webinar in more than 60 languages. They can discuss their work as journalists or provide expertise on a range of subjects and current events.
American Spaces can request a VOA expert to present on any topic. Each VOA Expert’s profile indicates languages spoken and areas of expertise. It’s important to note that these experts do not speak on behalf of the United States government, but they can speak as journalists working for VOA. Here’s how to make a request.
  • Visit VOA Experts database to select a speaker. (If you can’t find a specific speaker, you can still make a request as long as you provide VOA with a very specific topic.)
  • Consult with your Embassy or Consulate on the topic of the presentation, the speaker, and the audience you want to reach.
  • Email copying the Embassy or Consulate with the topic, the speaker, the audience, and details regarding the event.

English Learning Resources 

Programming Journalists at your American Space

  • USAGM has networks of local journalists all over the world and likely in the country of your space.  Many of them speak English.
  • Consult with the Embassy/Consulate Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) about inviting these journalists to conduct current events clubs, journalism ethics training, or technical journalism skills, such as photography or videography.
  • Also, consider having an open house day for press to learn more about your American Space. Again, consult with the Embassy or Consulate Public Diplomacy Section, as they can help you on possible press engagement.