5G Technology



This Activity Guide is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of issues that surround 5G technologies.


Select an audience with strong English language skills and interested in technology and foreign policy.

The goal of the activity is to create a greater awareness of how 5G works and to consider its security implications.

For this activity guide you will use videos, discussion, articles, and debate. Consider having an American Officer lead the activity. Work closely with your Public Affairs Section for more in-depth programming, such as inviting a U.S. speaker on the subject.


Fifth-generation wireless technology, or 5G, is the next generation of mobile broadband communications technology. Not only does this technology significantly speed up mobile connections, but it also fundamentally changes and greatly increases the ways in which society interacts with technology. 5G deployments have vast implications ranging from Artificial Intelligence (AI), to manufacturing, to public services such as electricity and transportation.

The global economic potential for 5G is great. In the United States alone, 5G may add up to three million new jobs and create $500 billion in economic growth. Experts believe that most countries will take advantage of the tremendous economic potential of 5G. This monumental shift creates a strategic imperative for countries to ensure their networks are secure.


  1. Ask the group what they know about 5G? (5 min)
  2. Watch this video on how 5G works (6 min) –http://bit.ly/IEEE5GEx
  3. Break the participants into smaller groups, pass out the attached 5G handout, and have the groups discuss the benefits of 5G technology. (10 min)
  4. Have the group brainstorm potential risks that 5G technology might present? (5 min)
  5. Pass out the ShareAmerica article on 5G Core vs. Edgefor participants to read. (10 min)
  6. Have the groups discuss why 5G presents more security risks than 4G? (5 min)
  7. Optional Debate: (30 min) – Write the below resolution on the board:
  • Companies controlled by foreign governments should be excluded from building 5G networks in your country.
    • Assign the groups for and against the resolution and give them 5 minutes to brainstorm their arguments.
    • Give each side 3 minutes to argue their side.
    • Give the groups 2 minutes to form a rebuttal statement. Repeat as needed.
    • See http://bit.ly/ASDbGd for more information on how to run a debate.

The views expressed in these resources do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. government. Most text in this toolkit was generated by AI. All images were generated by AI.

Updated May 2024