Program Planning Resources

These resources should only be used to develop programs or create handouts or outreach materials and should not be distributed directly with visitors or potential program participants.

YLAI Network 2019 Activities & Content

This calendar outlines anticipated campaigns and content for continued engagement of the YLAI Network. Visit the YLAI home page to download campaign graphics. American Spaces are welcome to utilize campaigns and content from the YLAI Network for programs in their country with Network members or engagement with other audiences. Please contact for information about developing programming around the campaigns.

Hosting Groups for Online Courses

This page organizes online courses and provides information about how to organize a group to take online courses together. Use this resource to create a program around one of the online courses.

Planning an Event?

Are you interested in gathering YLAI Network members at your location to participate in a program or highlight upcoming opportunities? Email YLAI to request more information.