The Office of American Spaces offers basic and advanced training courses for those who staff and manage American Spaces. Questions about American Spaces training should be directed to your local embassy/consulate or Regional Public Engagement Specialist.
Course Descriptions
American Spaces Tradecraft (PY351)
This five-day course is intended to provide U.S. Embassy and partner organization staff that support American Spaces, with fundamental skills in strategic planning, programming, and engagement through active learning and the exchange of best practices.
Objectives: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Gain a broader understanding of the role of American Spaces in supporting U.S. foreign policy and public diplomacy objectives.
- Plan, develop, and implement innovative programming that incorporates Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) resources like EducationUSA, English Language, Alumni, Speaker Programs, Tech Camps, and Culture in support of public diplomacy goals.
- Develop a project plan for an American Space that sets out clear objectives and includes strategic planning methods like SMART goals.
- Improve American Spaces management and programming through sharing of best practices and networking with colleagues.
- Explore new technologies and information resources designed to enhance public discourse at American Spaces.
American Spaces II: Advanced Approaches to Managing Networks of American Spaces (PY352)
This five-day course is primarily intended for Locally Employed Staff and Foreign Service Officers who are responsible for the oversight of a country network of multiple American Spaces and strategically using that network to support whole-of-mission goals. Participants are expected to have gained intermediate to advanced skills in the development and operation of modern American Spaces. This course focuses on strategic management techniques for managing two or more American Spaces in-country, including strategic planning, program evaluation, effective creation and use of networks, staffing, funding and partnerships.
Objectives: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Apply and implement a strategic plan or project for their network of American Spaces to support U.S. foreign policy goals.
- Identify and address key programming and management challenges encountered by persons coordinating multiple Spaces and managing multiple stakeholders and partners.
- Create and implement audience-focused programming that reinforces the U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives for their Spaces.
- Measure and evaluate the impact of a network of Spaces in supporting U.S. foreign policy goals.
- Identify the key elements that make a strong strategic partnership for American Spaces, and techniques to grow a successful partnership or transition an unsuccessful one.
Single Country Workshops
In addition to the courses above, posts are encouraged to host single-country workshops for their American Spaces staff.
Regional Workshops
In addition to the courses above, REPS periodically host regional workshops for American Spaces staff. Regional workshops encourage cross-border collaboration and programming on key regional priorities.