Media Literacy



This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to increase participants’ awareness of foreign disinformation and enhance their media literacy skills.


  • Work closely with your Embassy or Consulate to create serial programs that address foreign disinformation and misinformation in your local context.
  • Invite local journalists from independent and reputable outlets to discuss journalism ethics, fake news, and current events.
  • Start clubs that give aspiring or young journalists tools to create their own content, e.g., film making, podcasting, photography, or journalism clubs.
  • On your computers, bookmark accurate sources of local and international news and games that teach media literacy.
  • Use videos/online courses on media literacy in your English classes.


The rise of foreign state-sponsored disinformation and fake news is worrisome. The U.S. government is committed to countering this problem worldwide. This toolkit is designed to give you the resources to increase American Spaces visitors’ media literacy skills. Some of the best programming is created with your Embassy or Consulate and working with local partners, U.S. government exchange alumni, and journalists.

Always keep in mind the ABCs. Who is your Audience, what is the Behavior change you want to see, and what is the Content of the program? Below are examples of types of programs that your American Space can run:

  • Journalism, photography, or podcasting clubs,
  • Internet and media literacy courses for specific audience like parents, journalists, or teachers, and
  • Online course on media literacy and cyber security.


Voice of America (USAGM)

The U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) provides unbiased reporting in countries and languages across the world. On their website, find information on how American Spaces can use USAGM resources, including how to get a USAGM expert to present virtually.

Fact Checking Sites


ShareAmerica Articles

Lesson Plans


The Newseum’s online materials includes videos, articles, and self- paced courses on media literacy. You’ll need to create a free account to access their materials. Have a look at their activity guide on COVID-19 misinformation.

News and Media Literacy Collection from PBS

These lessons can be conducted individually or as a course for Emerging Voices audiences.

Center for News Literacy

From Stony Brook University, this site provides free lesson plans, videos, and presentations on evaluating news and social media.

Project Look Sharp

Here are 5 free downloadable lesson plans and videos that teach participants how to analyze foreign disinformation. Free account required.

Assessing the News Activity

Here are 5 free downloadable lesson plans and videos that teach participants how to analyze foreign disinformation. Free account required.


Shareable Content from American English


  • Consider starting a podcasting club. Here’s an easy to follow guide from ECA on how to create your own podcast.


Resources for Civil Society

Discussion Guides

Webinar – Credible News Making

In this webinar, a U.S. professor of journalism and former broadcaster discusses the current multi-media digital platforms and why journalists must maintain ethical standards. The guide contains resources, discussion questions, and suggestions on running a virtual program around the webinar.

Media Literacy in Schools

This discussion guide of a 7-minute news segment on teaching media literacy in U.S. schools allows participants to understand the importance of sourcing and discerning between fact and opinion.

Shattered Glass Discussion Guide

The movie Shattered Glass* follows the story of a young journalist climbing the ranks and what happens when he is discovered to be a fraud. The discussion guide brings out the importance of journalism ethics and the role of the media.

Online Courses for Clubs

Making Sense of the News

This free 6-week Coursera course develops critical thinking skills to better identify reliable information.

English Language Resources

*Post may need to procure these films. The Office of American Spaces does not endorse all movies as they may not be appropriate for all audiences. Coordinators should screen the films ahead of showing them. Here’s a link with more information on showing movies at American Spaces.

The views expressed in these links and resources do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. government.

Updated May 2024