American Revolution

THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the American Revolution, its historical context, and its impact on democracy around the world. LESSON PLANS Public Broadcasting Service Liberty! American Revolution – This comprehensive video series (American Spaces will need to buy DVDs ) …

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First Amendment Rights: Freedom of Speech and the Press

FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE PRESS RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically freedom of speech and of the press. SPEECH AND PRESS IN AMERICA: …

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Intellectual Property

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of issues surrounding intellectual property rights. HOW CAN AMERICAN SPACES SUPPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) RIGHTS? First and foremost, American Spaces should model respect for IP. Here’s how: Ensure that all images used at …

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First Amendment Rights: Freedom of Religion

FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically freedom of religion. This is the second in a series of three First Amendment Toolkits. LESSON …

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4th of July

U.S. INDEPENDENCE DAY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for American Spaces to create programs and use social media to focus on Fourth of July celebrations. HIGHLIGHTED RESOURCES Smithsonian Digital Collections The Library of Congress collections of downloadable images and music.Fourth of July Images State Department’s Flickr pages on July 4th and U.S. flags JULY 4TH, A CELEBRATION Each year, the United States celebrates …

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First Amendment Rights: Assembly and Petition

FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY AND PETITION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically the right to assemble peacefully and to petition the government. PROTESTS IN AMERICA Peaceful …

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