FARMCRAFT® RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This toolkit provides resources and guidance to help coordinators plan and implement Farmcraft® programs at American Spaces. NASEF photo NASEF photo TECHNICAL SETUP Minecraft Education Edition Setup Instructions for downloading , installing, and setting up Minecraft Education Edition. Technical Requirements Necessary hardware and internet requirements.LaptopChromebook,MacPCMobile phone with Internet connectionAndroidiPhoneiPad Learn about Food …
Read More»U.S. Presidential Elections
U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This resource toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to explain the function, process, and significance of the U.S. elections process. (Photo from U.S. Department of State Content Commons) DEFINITIONS Representative Democracy: a system of government in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions and create …
Read More»World Bee Day
World Bee Day: Honoring the Buzzing Powerhouse Workers of our Ecosystem World Bee Day, celebrated annually on May 20th, provides an opportunity for the special acknowledgment and education of the important part bees as a species play in building connections throughout our global ecosystem. Around the world, over 20,000 types of bees exist across six …
Read More»Celebrating Black History Month
Black History Month, also recognized as African American History Month, holds a significant place in the cultural fabric of the United States, observed every February. This annual commemoration is a dedicated time to celebrate and acknowledge the remarkable achievements, contributions, and overall history of African Americans, showcasing how their efforts have left an indelible mark …
Read More»Information & Data Privacy
INFORMATION AND DATA PRIVACY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This resource toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces, aiming to define privacy, explain its importance, describe U.S. privacy frameworks, and analyze global approaches to privacy. DEFINITIONS Information and Data Privacy: The protection of personal information and the right of individuals to control how their …
Read More»Food Security
FOOD SECURITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This resource toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to define food security, identify food insecurity causes, outline U.S. government initiatives, and explore strategies for individuals to improve global food security. U.S. Government Initiatives and Biotechnology Food Assistance | Feed the Future | U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy 2022-2026 Feed the Future | Improving Food Security & Nutrition Around the World Office of Food for Peace | U.S. Agency for International Development Biotechnology – United States Department of State Biotechnology FAQs | USDA FACT SHEET: The U.S. Government Invests in Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation | Department of Energy In Focus – FAO Response to global food security challenges Learn about Food Security through e-Gaming Farmcraft is a free-to-play Department of …
Read More»Democracy
DEMOCRACY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This resource toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to define the values of democracy and explain the function, principles, and significance of America’s democratic system of government. DEFINITIONS Popular Sovereignty: the authority and legitimacy of a government come from the consent and will of the people it …
Read More»Alumni Engagement
American Revolution
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the American Revolution, its historical context, and its impact on democracy around the world. LESSON PLANS Public Broadcasting Service Liberty! American Revolution – This comprehensive video series (American Spaces will need to buy DVDs ) …
Read More»World Refugee Day
WORLD REFUGEE DAY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to encourage discussions on humanitarian crises. Since 1980, the United States has admitted up to 3.1 million refugees. The United States is the world’s largest single donor of humanitarian assistance. In 2020, the United States provided more …
Read More»Juneteenth
JUNETEENTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit contains lesson plans, videos, exhibits, and articles to be used at American Spaces to recognize Juneteenth’s role in U.S. history. VIEWING AND READING “ Miss Juneteenth ” Kanopy Film: 2020, 99 minutesA single mom prepares her rebellious daughter for the “Miss Juneteenth” Beauty Pageant Juneteenth: A day to celebrate Black communities’ strength – ShareAmerica What was America’s Great Migration? – ShareAmerica The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth Food To Celebrate Freedom: Tea Cakes for Juneteenth! – NPR …
Read More»World Wildlife Toolkit
WORLD WILDLIFE DAY TOOLKIT RECOVERING KEY SPECIES FOR ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the importance of conservation and the dangers that threaten animals around the world. RESOURCES World Wildlife Day Learn about how to get involved , find sponsored events in …
Read More»Preserve Earth – Protect Marine Species Graphics
Preserve the Earth – Protect Marine Species – Posters Preserve-the-Earth-2018_Protect-Marine-Species-from-Ocean-Debris_Poster_English_Web This beautiful original poster, illustrated by artist Cathie Bleck, depicts marine wildlife put at risk by plastic debris in our oceans: dolphins, whales, birds, seals, crabs and tiny plankton among them. Produced each year in honor of Earth Day, the poster features an illustration on the …
Read More»Artificial Intelligence
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to raise awareness of artificial intelligence and its potential for the future. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)? Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. It is typically understood …
Read More»Global Health
GLOBAL HEALTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of global health-related issues and of U.S. leadership to create a healthier world. SMITHSONIAN OUTBREAK DIY EXHIBIT AT AMERICAN SPACES The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has created a do-it-yourself (DIY) exhibit called …
Read More»Immersive Media: Virtual and Augmented Reality
IMMERSIVE MEDIA: VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces for the promotion of American culture and values through the use of immersive media. BEST PRACTICES The right partner is essential. Most American Spaces staff are not AR/VR experts. Local partners can provide advice …
Read More»First Amendment Rights: Freedom of Speech and the Press
FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE PRESS RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically freedom of speech and of the press. SPEECH AND PRESS IN AMERICA: …
Read More»Artificial Intelligence in Education
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to raise awareness of artificial intelligence and its use in education. INTRODUCTION TO AI Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that uses algorithms and machine learning to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has …
Read More»Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream!” Poster
ShareAmerica “I have a dream!” ShareAmerica_American-Spaces-Poster_Martin-Luther-King-Jr_English_Web English High Res Low Res Web Res
Read More»Today’s Youth Tomorrow’s Leaders
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit contains information to be used at American Spaces to provide information on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which play an important role in the U.S. higher education system. DEFINITIONS STEM: Science, technology, engineering and mathematics Social mobility: The ability to move up …
Read More»Intellectual Property Day
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of issues surrounding intellectual property rights. HOW CAN AMERICAN SPACES SUPPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) RIGHTS? First and foremost, American Spaces should model respect for IP. Here’s how: Ensure that all images used at …
Read More»American Southwest
THE SOUTHWEST UNITED STATES AN AMERICANA SERIES TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Americana Series Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces. The information here is designed to broaden knowledge of specific regions of the United States and their local cultures and customs. Photo credit: Brad Scott CURRENT ISSUES Two key issues in the Southwest …
Read More»Alaska: The Last Frontier
ALASKA: THE LAST FRONTIER RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Americana Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to further understanding of the United States. HISTORIC EVENTS 1728 – Danish explorer Vitus Bering discovers the Bering Strait.1776 – British explorer Captain James Cook makes contact with Alaskan natives.1784 – The Russians establish a permanent …
Read More»Black American Artists and Their Art
Notes for Notes Music Education
NOTES FOR NOTES: MUSIC EDUCATION FOR POSITIVE EMOTIONAL AND CREATIVE GROWTH DISCUSSION GUIDE FOR AMERICAN SPACES This discussion guide is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Affairs Section to ensure that this topic and video are appropriate for American Spaces audiences. VIDEO INFORMATION N4N x HTF – featuring …
Read More»Educating Through Comics
EDUCATING THROUGH COMICS RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to increase participants’ awareness of comic books as educational tools and to understand the history and current expressions of this genre of American popular culture. COMICS REFLECT SOCIETY Comic books can take the reader on compelling journeys …
Read More»Volunteerism
Fighting Corruption
Women’s Entrepreneurship Webinar
Women’s Empowerment: Monetizing Your Brand
Global Entrepreneurship Week
I am a Girl
I AM A GIRL MOVIEKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Moviekit is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Diplomacy Sections to ensure that this movie is appropriate for American Spaces audiences. Warning: This movie contains mature themes. FILM INFORMATION Year Release: 2013 Rating: NR Duration: 88 minEnglish Level: Intermediate …
Read More»National Poetry Month
Women’s History Month
Presidents Day
PRESIDENTS’ DAY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the role and history of the U.S. presidency. Lansdowne portrait of George Washington Painting by Gilbert Stuart LESSON PLANS Public Broadcasting Service This site contains 60-second videos of all past U.S. presidents, lesson plans on …
Read More»Holocaust Remembrance
HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. RESOURCES Department of State – Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues (SEHI) – Develops and implements U.S. policy to return Holocaust-era assets to their rightful owners, secure compensation for Nazi-era wrongs, and ensure that …
Read More»First Amendment Rights: Freedom of Religion
FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically freedom of religion. This is the second in a series of three First Amendment Toolkits. LESSON …
Read More»Not My Life
NOT MY LIFE MOVIEKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Moviekit is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Affairs Section to ensure that this movie is appropriate for American Space audiences. Warning: This movie contains mature themes. FILM INFORMATION Year Release: 2011 Rating: PG-13 Duration: 65 minEnglish Level: IntermediateDirector: Robert …
Read More»Human Trafficking Awareness
HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS TOOLKIT RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery and how the United States works to prevent it. NOTE: Some of this content may not be suitable for all audiences and should be reviewed …
Read More»Higher Education in the U.S. – Teacher Guide
HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE U.S. TEACHER GUIDE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES Note: This toolkit is designed to be used by American Space coordinators or volunteers to teach high-school aged students about U.S. educational opportunities and to connect students with EducationUSA advising centers or its Facebook page. RESOURCES EducationUSA A U.S. Department of State network of over 430 …
Read More»Our Ocean
OUR OCEAN RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. OUR OCEAN CONFERENCES In the United States, the Department of State supports the Our Ocean Conferences , which have catalyzed unprecedented action by the global community to fight marine pollution, climate …
Read More»Black History Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month
NATIONAL AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE HERITAGE MONTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month is celebrated every November to recognize the diverse cultures and to educate the public about the heritage, history, art, and traditions of the American Indian and Alaska Native people. LESSON PLANS Teacher Resources from U.S. government and partner institutions Educator resources from …
Read More»Cybersecurity Awareness Month
CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS MONTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to increase participants’ awareness of the importance of cybersecurity. RESOURCES National Cyber Security Alliance This site has great tips on how to stay safe online. It also has weekly themes and social media content that you can use and ways your Space can be involved. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency This agency has …
Read More»Space Exploration
SPACE EXPLORATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to promote discussions on Space Exploration and humanity’s quest to learn more about the universe. “That’s one small step [a] for man – one giant leap for mankind.”Astronaut Neil Armstrong, on becoming the first human to step on the …
Read More»Disability Awareness
DISABILITY AWARENESS RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of issues that persons with disabilities face and how the United States works to ensure they have equal rights. RESOURCES Program Kits Here are some great lesson plans and fun activities to raise …
Read More»Ted Talk: Fight for Disability Rights
TED TALK: FIGHT FOR DISABILITY RIGHTS DISCUSSION GUIDE FOR AMERICAN SPACES This discussion guide is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Affairs Section to ensure that this topic and video are appropriate for American Spaces audiences. VIDEO INFORMATION Video Title: Our fight for disability rights – and why …
Read More»Webinar: U.S. National Parks
WEBINAR: U.S. NATIONAL PARKS DISCUSSION GUIDE FOR A WEBINAR FROM THE OFFICE OF THE U.S. SPEAKER PROGRAM This Discussion Guide is designed for virtual programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of U.S. National Parks and how they operate. ACCESS TO VIDEO Links: Vimeo Videos Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 Duration: 40 minutes for …
Read More»National Hispanic Heritage Month
NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit contains lesson plans, videos, photos, exhibits, articles, and PowerPoint slides to be used at American Spaces to recognize the achievements by the Hispanic community in the United States and their role in U.S. history. LESSON PLANS The National Education Association offers lesson plans for children of various …
Read More»4th of July
U.S. INDEPENDENCE DAY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for American Spaces to create programs and use social media to focus on Fourth of July celebrations. HIGHLIGHTED RESOURCES Smithsonian Digital Collections The Library of Congress collections of downloadable images and music.Fourth of July Images State Department’s Flickr pages on July 4th and U.S. flags JULY 4TH, A CELEBRATION Each year, the United States celebrates …
Read More»US Constitution
THE U.S. CONSTITUTION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the U.S. Constitution, how it was formed, and its impact on America and throughout the world. IMPORTANT TERMS The Constitution – the fundamental framework of America’s federal system of government. It …
Read More»Climate Change
CLIMATE CHANGE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues surrounding climate change and what can be done to address these challenges. LESSON PLANS & COURSES NASA: Climate Change for Educators and Students These resources include videos, games, lesson plans, and activities to encourage students to consider …
Read More»Earth Day – Environmental Sustainability
EARTH DAY: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORTING ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH AND VITALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. HOST A FILM SCREENING Film screenings provide opportunities for rich storytelling and engaging follow-up discussion …
Read More»Air Quality Awareness Week
AIR QUALITY AWARENESS WEEK RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the importance of air quality on human health and resources to monitor air quality. LESSON PLANS Toolkit for Teachers Compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this 87-page PDF consists of a variety …
Read More»First Amendment Rights: Assembly and Petition
FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY AND PETITION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the rights outlined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, specifically the right to assemble peacefully and to petition the government. PROTESTS IN AMERICA Peaceful …
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