
I am a Girl

I AM A GIRL MOVIEKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Moviekit is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Affairs Sections to ensure that this movie is appropriate for American Spaces audiences. Warning: This movie contains mature themes. FILM INFORMATION Year Release: 2013 Rating: NR Duration: 88 minEnglish Level: Intermediate ...
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Kamenge English Club with American diplomat

AC Kamenge English Club with American diplomat On February 24, 2023, Lori Du Trieuille – USAID Burundi – visited and spoke at the American Corner Kamenge on the topic of “The Harlem Renaissance 1919-1939.”  Lori showed different African Americans who participated in the African American movement in Harlem. During the Great Migration (1910-1930), nearly 750,000 ...
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Zoom Booth Unveiled! Madagascar Opens New American Corner

Zoom Booth Unveiled! Madagascar Opens New American Corner Ambassador Pierangelo delivers remarks at Antananarivo opening ceremony. The American Corner Antananarivo ribbon cutting ceremony featuring the ambassador and the university president.  To broaden public engagement in the capital, Mission Madagascar opened a new American Corner at the University of Antananarivo (AC Tana) on February 10.  Ambassador ...
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American Spaces Ghana Celebrate Women’s History month with Film Festival

American Spaces Ghana Celebrate Women’s History Month with Film Festival American Spaces Ghana, Goethe-Institut Ghana, and Alliance Française Accra jointly organized the Women in Motion Film Festival March 8-17, 2023 to mark International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month.  The festival brought eight nights of films and panel discussions about women and their role in society and politics to venues ...
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