WORLD WILDLIFE DAY TOOLKIT RECOVERING KEY SPECIES FOR ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the importance of conservation and the dangers that threaten animals around the world. RESOURCES World Wildlife Day Learn about how to get involved , find sponsored events in …
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By scottbj | 1 May, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Audience, Climate, College and University, Commemoration, Day, Emerging Voices, Environment, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Programming Type, Security, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: discussion guide, programming, toolkit, virtual
Preserve the Earth – Protect Marine Species – Posters Preserve-the-Earth-2018_Protect-Marine-Species-from-Ocean-Debris_Poster_English_Web This beautiful original poster, illustrated by artist Cathie Bleck, depicts marine wildlife put at risk by plastic debris in our oceans: dolphins, whales, birds, seals, crabs and tiny plankton among them. Produced each year in honor of Earth Day, the poster features an illustration on the …
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By scottbj | 1 May, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Climate, Environment, Graphics, Pillars of American Spaces, Programming Type, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy
FIFTH GENERATION (5G) WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Activity Guide is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of issues that surround 5G technologies. THE ACTIVITY AudienceSelect an audience with strong English language skills and interested in technology and foreign policy. BehaviorThe goal of the activity is to …
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By scottbj | 27 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Attract STEM Talent, Audience, College and University, Cybersecurity, Cyberspace, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Professional Development, Programming Type, Strategy, Toolkits, Training | Tags: programming, toolkit
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to raise awareness of artificial intelligence and its potential for the future. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)? Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. It is typically understood …
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By scottbj | 27 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Attract STEM Talent, Audience, College and University, Cyberspace, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Professional Development, Programming Type, Science and Technology, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits, Training | Tags: programming, toolkit
GLOBAL HEALTH RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of global health-related issues and of U.S. leadership to create a healthier world. SMITHSONIAN OUTBREAK DIY EXHIBIT AT AMERICAN SPACES The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has created a do-it-yourself (DIY) exhibit called …
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By scottbj | 27 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Audience, College and University, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, Health, Pillars of American Spaces, Programming Type, Science and Technology, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategic Goals, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: programming, toolkit
IMMERSIVE MEDIA: VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces for the promotion of American culture and values through the use of immersive media. BEST PRACTICES The right partner is essential. Most American Spaces staff are not AR/VR experts. Local partners can provide advice …
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By scottbj | 27 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Attract STEM Talent, Audience, College and University, Cyberspace, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, Grammar School (Middle School), High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Professional Development, Programming Type, Science and Technology, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits, Training | Tags: programming, toolkit
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to raise awareness of artificial intelligence and its use in education. INTRODUCTION TO AI Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that uses algorithms and machine learning to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has …
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By scottbj | 20 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Attract STEM Talent, Audience, College and University, Cyberspace, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Professional Development, Programming Type, Science and Technology, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits, Training | Tags: programming, toolkit
By scottbj | 17 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Alumni Engagement, Audience, College and University, Discussion Guide, Emerging Voices, Enhance Effectiveness of Programming, Established Opinion Leaders, Health, High School, Human Rights, Pillars of American Spaces, Pioneering New Medicines, Programming Type, Social, Strategy | Tags: month, programming, toolkit
OUR OCEAN RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. OUR OCEAN CONFERENCES In the United States, the Department of State supports the Our Ocean Conferences , which have catalyzed unprecedented action by the global community to fight marine pollution, climate …
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By scottbj | 11 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Audience, Climate, College and University, Commemoration, Day, Emerging Voices, Environment, Established Opinion Leaders, Grammar School (Middle School), High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Programming Type, Security, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: programming, toolkit, week
SPACE EXPLORATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to promote discussions on Space Exploration and humanity’s quest to learn more about the universe. “That’s one small step [a] for man – one giant leap for mankind.”Astronaut Neil Armstrong, on becoming the first human to step on the …
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By scottbj | 6 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Attract STEM Talent, Audience, College and University, Commemoration, Emerging Voices, Established Opinion Leaders, Grammar School (Middle School), High School, Information about the United States, Month, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Programming Type, Science and Technology, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: programming, toolkit
WEBINAR: U.S. NATIONAL PARKS DISCUSSION GUIDE FOR A WEBINAR FROM THE OFFICE OF THE U.S. SPEAKER PROGRAM This Discussion Guide is designed for virtual programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of U.S. National Parks and how they operate. ACCESS TO VIDEO Links: Vimeo Videos Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 Duration: 40 minutes for …
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By scottbj | 5 April, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Americana, Audience, Climate, College and University, Emerging Voices, Environment, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Information about the United States, Pillars of American Spaces, Programming Type, Security, Social, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, U.S. Culture, Virtual Viewing Parties, Webchats | Tags: discussion guide, programming, toolkit, virtual
CLIMATE CHANGE RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues surrounding climate change and what can be done to address these challenges. LESSON PLANS & COURSES NASA: Climate Change for Educators and Students These resources include videos, games, lesson plans, and activities to encourage students to consider …
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By scottbj | 16 March, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Audience, Climate, College and University, Emerging Voices, Environment, Established Opinion Leaders, High School, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Programming Type, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: programming, toolkit
EARTH DAY: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORTING ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH AND VITALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. HOST A FILM SCREENING Film screenings provide opportunities for rich storytelling and engaging follow-up discussion …
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By scottbj | 16 March, 2023 | Topics: Adult, Age Group, Audience, Climate, College and University, Commemoration, Emerging Voices, Environment, Established Opinion Leaders, Grammar School (Middle School), High School, Month, Pillars of American Spaces, Press & Media, Programming Type, Security, Strategic and Cultural Programs, Strategy, Toolkits | Tags: programming, toolkit, week
The “Why STEAM Matters” programming kit (PDF 296KB) , developed by the Smithsonian Institution for a 60-90 minute program, encourages participants to think more inclusively about the arts and sciences. Participants will learn about different individuals, programs, and fields that integrate the arts and sciences. This program includes suggestions for hands-on activities and optional lesson extensions.
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By alamms | 29 July, 2019 | Topics: Attract STEM Talent, Programming, Programming Type, Strategy, Toolkits