
FARMCRAFT® RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This toolkit provides resources and guidance to help coordinators plan and implement Farmcraft® programs at American Spaces. NASEF photo NASEF photo TECHNICAL SETUP Minecraft Education Edition Setup Instructions for downloading , installing, and setting up Minecraft Education Edition.  Technical Requirements Necessary hardware and internet requirements.LaptopChromebook,MacPCMobile phone with Internet connectionAndroidiPhoneiPad Learn about Food …

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Immersive Media: Virtual and Augmented Reality

IMMERSIVE MEDIA: VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces for the promotion of American culture and values through the use of immersive media. BEST PRACTICES The right partner is essential. Most American Spaces staff are not AR/VR experts. Local partners can provide advice …

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Not My Life

NOT MY LIFE MOVIEKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This movie kit is designed for programming at American Spaces. American Spaces should work with their Public Diplomacy Section to ensure that this movie is appropriate for American Space audiences. Warning: This movie contains mature themes. FILM INFORMATION Year Release: 2011 Rating: PG-13 Duration: 65 minEnglish Level: IntermediateDirector: …

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Human Trafficking Awareness

HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS TOOLKIT RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery and how the United States works to prevent it. NOTE: Some of this content may not be suitable for all audiences and should be reviewed …

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Our Ocean

OUR OCEAN RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. OUR OCEAN CONFERENCES In the United States, the Department of State supports the Our Ocean Conferences , which have catalyzed unprecedented action by the global community to fight marine pollution, climate …

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Space Exploration

SPACE EXPLORATION RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to promote discussions on Space Exploration and humanity’s quest to learn more about the universe. “That’s one small step [a] for man – one giant leap for mankind.”Astronaut Neil Armstrong, on becoming the first human to step on the …

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Earth Day – Environmental Sustainability

EARTH DAY: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORTING ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH AND VITALITY RESOURCE TOOLKIT FOR AMERICAN SPACES This Resource Toolkit is designed for programming at American Spaces to create a greater awareness of the issues and solutions in environmental sustainability. HOST A FILM SCREENING Film screenings provide opportunities for rich storytelling and engaging follow-up discussion …

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